Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I receive my utility bill online?

    Hay River residents now have the option of having their monthly utility bill emailed to them. The Town recognizes that customers may prefer an alternative method for receiving their bill therefore, we are providing this additional service. Please note this service is optional. We will continue to mail utility bills unless stated otherwise. If you would like to sign up for e-billing please email or call 874-6522 and provide the following information:

    • name
    • street address
    • email address
    • phone number
  • How do I get a dog license?

    You will need to fill out an application form, which are available at Town Hall or on our website. There are two types of dog licenses: permanent and temporary

    Permanent license: A lifetime tag that is FREE. In order to apply for a permanent dog license your dog must be spayed or neutered and you must bring in a vet bill that proves this. We will make a copy of the vet bill for our records and we will then give you the tag.

    Temporary license: this tag is valid for only one year and each year you will have to re-apply. The annual fee is $25.00 and each year you will receive a new dog tag.

    If your dog loses their tag a new tag can be purchased for $2.00.

  • When do I require a building permit?

    Building Permits deal with the structural sufficiency of buildings and the health and safety of the building’s occupants. A Building Permit is required for construction, repair, reconstruction, relocation, addition to or structural alteration of any building. Building Permits are not required for fences and sheds less than 150 sq. ft.

    In all cases where the National Building Code applies, the drawings shall be certified by a professional engineer or architect as to the safety of construction, for protection and other structural considerations, except for single family dwellings, which may be reviewed by the Development Officer where no certificate has been submitted.

    Please note building permit application forms are only available at Town Hall.

  • How do I apply for a development permit?

    You will need to fill out an application and there are two types of development permits:

    Home Development Permit: If your class of business is Home Occupation you will also need to complete a Home Development Application, which costs $50.00. If you do not own your home, you must have the permission of the owner to operate your business from the location. Once your application is approved by our Development Officer there is a two-week waiting period in case there is an appeal. After this time period has elapsed, the Town will issue the business license and you can proceed to operate your business.

    Development Permit: This permit is required for any purpose other than a home occupation. The fee is $25.00 and the appeal process is the same as for a Home Development Permit.

    Development permit applications are available at Town Hall or on our website.

  • When do I require a development permit?

    Prior to applying for a Building Permit, a Development Permit may be required for your project. Development Permits deal with a development’s impact on surrounding properties and are required for most projects requiring a Building Permit, change in use or in intensity of use of any land, building or premises. Applications for Development Permits are reviewed for conformance to the current Zoning and Building Bylaw by the Development Officer for total conformance and once approved must run a 14 day appeal period.

  • How do I apply for a business license?

    To apply for a business license you will need to complete a Business License application form, which are available at Town Hall or on our website. Please note that the class of business will determine the cost of your business license. All business licenses MUST be approved by our Bylaw Division.

    • Commercial $100.00
    • Home Occupation $132.50
    • Student $10.00
    • Seasonal Tourist $50.00
    • Non-Conforming $188.00
    • Non-Resident $275.00
    • Salesperson Sub-License $25.00


    If your class of business is Home Occupation you will also need to complete a Home Occupation Development Application, which costs $50.00.  If you do not own your home, you must have the permission of the owner to operate your business from the location. Once your application is approved by our Development Officer there is a two-week waiting period in case there is an appeal. After this time period has elapsed, the Town will issue the business license and you can proceed to operate your business.

  • How do I open or close an account for water?

    You can access the water connection/disconnection forms on our website or at Town Hall. Completed forms need to be delivered to Town Hall in person. All customers are required to pay a connection fee of $15.75 (including GST) before a connection request can be processed. A meter deposit is required from all customers at locations that receive water via underground pipeline. The deposit amount for residential customers on piped water is $110.00. If you’re connecting water for commercial or industrial use, please contact us for the meter deposit amount. Please note, the connection fee of $15.75 must be paid by all customers but no meter deposit is required in areas that receive water via truck delivery.

    We require notification of account connection or disconnection 5 business days in advance to allow time for processing and scheduling these changes to your service.

    If you are a renter, you and the property owner must sign connection and disconnection forms.

    For information regarding water rates in your area, please contact Town Hall.

  • What payment options are available for utility billing and property tax bills?

    You can pay for your bill either online or at Town Hall

    Online: Payment can be made through either RBC or CIBC. Search up Town of Hay River and select UB for utility billing or PT for property tax. Please note you will need your account number in order to pay online.

    Town Hall: We accept cash, cheque or debit.