The Utilities Division provides optimal service to residents as they process and manage all utility billing. They ensure water bills are sent out in a timely manner and they assist residents with any queries they may have. This division’s other functions include setting up payment plans and processing water connection/disconnection forms.
Utility bill payments can be made online through RBC or CIBC, or at Town Hall by using cash, cheque or debit or visa
Do you want to open or close a water account?
You can access the water connection/disconnection forms on our website or at Town Hall. Completed forms need to be delivered to Town Hall in person. All customers are required to pay a connection fee of $42.00 (including GST) before a connection request can be processed. A meter deposit is required from all customers at locations that receive water via underground pipeline. The deposit amount for residential customers on piped water is $250.00. If you’re connecting water for commercial or industrial use, please contact us for the meter deposit amount. Please note, the connection fee of $42.00 must be paid by all customers but no meter deposit is required in areas that receive water via truck delivery.
We require notification of account connection or disconnection 5 business days in advance to allow time for processing and scheduling these changes to your service.
If you are a renter, you and the property owner must sign connection and disconnection forms.
For information regarding water rates in your area, please contact Town Hall.
Owner Notification
If your renter is delinquent in paying the water bill, you will be notified per Town of Hay River Bylaw #1786 section 805. Please note: The property owner bears ultimate responsibility for unpaid water & sewer accounts.
Where payment in default over two months the owner shall be liable for all service charges and other charges specified in the schedules for water supply or the use of the sewage system levied pursuant to this By-law with respect to that property, and the town may make the balance of any account in respect of which payment is in default over two months, a charge against the owner of the property.
Hay River residents now have the option of having their monthly utility bill emailed to them. The Town recognizes that customers may prefer an alternative method for receiving their bill therefore, we are providing this additional service. Please note this service is optional. We will continue to mail utility bills unless stated otherwise. If you would like to sign up for e-billing please email townhall@hayriver.com or call 874-6522 and provide the following information: name, street address, email address and phone number.
NOTE: Mailed paper statements will have an enviro fee of $2.50 monthly that will be implemented starting September 1st, 2021.