
Recreation Master Plan : Have your Say

May 8, 2024
The Town of Hay River is developing a new Recreation Facilities and Greenspace Masterplan. To provide your input, please go to: or scan the QR code in the image. Have Your Say!

Town of Hay River Receives 2M in CMHC Funding

April 26, 2024

For Immediate Release
April 26, 2024

CMHC News Release
The Council of the Town of Hay River, NT is pleased to announce that it has received a $2 million grant from the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation for the Housing Accelerator Program. The funds are for a 3-year term with a Housing Supply Growth Target of 30 permitted housing units over that period of time.
The initiatives supporting the efforts to achieve that goal are to:
• Create a development system that supports Additional Dwelling Units,
• Incentivize the development of underused/idle lands, with an emphasis on the development of multi-unit residential,
• Amend bylaws and policies to support development of residential units in the downtown core, with emphasis on multi-unit development,
• Incorporate update floodplain mapping,
• Amend zoning bylaw and policies to promote the development of transitional housing units for vulnerable populations,
• Reduce the carbon footprint of new unit construction, with a preference for multi-unit development,
• Development of a disincentive program to ensure that no vacant units or underdeveloped/idle lands remain within the municipal boundaries,
• Streamline the development process by delegating authorities to staff and exploring technology to support the process,
• Develop an incentive program to encourage infill and increased density in existing residential areas.
“The Council of the Town of Hay River is happy to receive support through the Housing Accelerator Fund to continue its efforts to increase the stock of safe, diverse, efficient, and affordable housing in Hay River. This is an important next step to advance key housing initiatives identified in our Community Strategic Housing Plan.”
Mayor Kandis Jameson
More information about incentive opportunities will be released in the coming months. Developers can reach out to Glenn Smith, SAO at for any inquiries.
For further information, contact:
Glenn Smith
Senior Administrative Officer
Town of Hay River
(867) 874-6522


April 22, 2024

Hay River Updates Emergency Plan

April 12, 2024
April 12, 2024
Hay River has recently update and improved the Town of Hay River Community Emergency Plan. This is one of a number of initiatives underway to make Hay River’s residents and businesses safer.   To see a full list of the initiatives go to: . To see a copy of the updated Town of Hay River Community Emergency Plan go to: and to see the synopsis of the changes go to:

2024 Fire and Flood Season Preparedness

April 4, 2024


The Town of Hay River and the Local Emergency Management Organization (LEMO) in consultation with various GNWT departments has been actively preparing for the upcoming fire and flood season through several preparedness and mitigation initiatives to support citizen safety.
  • The Town of Hay River has participated in several organizations’ after-action reviews and will participate in GNWT’s larger 2023 wildfire independent review scheduled for May. The public will be asked to provide their input as part of the review, with more details to follow.
  • The Town of Hay River Community Emergency Management Plan has been updated by the Local Emergency Management Committee and partner agencies and will be brought to the Regular Meeting of Council on Monday, April 8, 2024.
  • A public communication plan has been developed with property, evacuation, and personal preparedness information to be released through numerous channels ahead of and throughout the high-risk season.
  • A Public Preparedness meeting is being planned for some time in April that will provide an overview of flood and wildfire risks and outline fire and flood preparedness activities for residents and property owners.
  • An enhanced fire smarting program is being developed. Hay River citizens should see information coming to them shortly.  The Town will be working with the department of Environment and Climate Change to update the Community Wildfire Protection Plan.
  • Emergency Plan and Incident Command System training as well as tabletop exercises are being provided to organizations that have a role in emergency planning and response.
  • Meetings with key partner agencies to discuss roles and responsibilities around evacuation and other emergency procedures are underway.
  • The main firebreak doubled in size during the last fire event. The firebreak extends on the west side of Hay River from the Don Wright ballpark to just past the Hay River Regional Health Centre and will be permanently maintained at its current size.  Additionally, the cut lines created during the last event are intended to be integrated into the current snowmobile trail system and will provide easier access in an emergency event.
  • Riverview Drive was elevated during recent upgrades to provide an improved flood barrier. The natural areas on the river side of the same roadway have had extensive fire smarting done by reducing fuel sources.
  • The berm in the West Channel community will be upgraded this year to provide improved protection throughout the length of the community. This has been funded by the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund grant and is a partnership project with the West Point First Nation.
  • Paradise Road has been repositioned within the legal road easement. Landscaping, drainage, and bank assessments are planned in 2024.
  • Design work to upgrade the drainage and elevation of Airport Road has been completed. A grant application is in place for funding for the project with an anticipated announcement later this year.
  • Lift Station 1 repair and flood mitigation project design is underway with tendering for construction scheduled for this year.
  • Drainage maintenance and preparedness is underway with storm system backflow devices to be installed in 2024.
  • Updated flood mapping work that will influence land development and housing construction standards is underway with expected flood risk/probability maps to be drafted this year.
  • The sandbagging program will once again be offered to residents and property owners within the community.
  • Evacuee hosting procedures and facilities are being improved to increase capacity. Clean air shelters are being identified.
  • Redundant internet services have been installed at Town facilities including the Emergency Operations Centre to increase emergency response communications reliability.
  • The LEMO is working with ECC to improve risk notifications ahead of and during events.
Seasonal Risk Forecast The very large natural firebreak created by the 2023 wildfires provides significant protection to the community.  However, drought conditions and persistent winter burns create risks for fires.    It is expected that smoke from Alberta and other regions will cause periods of poor air quality. Record low river basin and lake water levels reduce the current flood risks for Hay River. However, variable precipitation events and the uncertainty of ice jams can still provide conditions for potential flooding. The Town, the Local Emergency Management Organization, and the GNWT will be diligent in monitoring, preparedness, and positioning for any response.  Residents and businesses are reminded of their role in emergency preparedness – adhering to information provided by officials and having a family/organization plan in place.  Details on how to be prepared will be communicated in the near future. Glenn Smith Senior Administrative Officer Local Emergency Management Organization Coordinator

2023 Tax Rate Bylaw Available

June 19, 2023

The 2023 Tax Rate Bylaw is available here.

Town of Hay River 2022 – 2025 Strategic Plan

October 3, 2022

Read the Strategic Plan HERE

In the spring of 2022, your Hay River Town Council and senior managers met to discuss

priorities for the duration of this Council’s term with an eye to how we can best support

the growth, change and evolution of Hay River.

We set a vision for our community and a set of goals that illustrate what we see as

significant changes to make, or to at least start, during our time together. We are proud

to live in Hay River and we know that we can always make our community even more

compelling for the people who already live here, those who might choose to call Hay

River home, and for businesses and industries that support our local economy.

Hay River is facing a period of change and growth as a community. This plan provides

us as a town with the best chance to focus on what we see as most important.    

Initiatives will be established and incorporated into operational business plans to advance the plan’s identified goals.

Town of Hay River Emergency Contact Numbers

November 1, 2019

Bylaw 1811-18 Community Plan with Maps

September 6, 2019