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Hay River Council is the governing body for the Town of Hay River and is comprised of a Mayor, Deputy Mayor and six councillors.

The elected council is responsible for:

  1. Representing the wishes and views of the constituents as accurately as possible;
  2. Establishing policies for the operation of the municipality; and
  3. Ensuring that the Town’s financial and personnel resources are used efficiently and align with the objectives of municipal government.


Hay River Council meetings take place on Monday nights at 6:30pm. These meetings are taking place through Zoom and can be watched on our YouTube channel. 

Delegations to Council

Members of the public who wish to make presentations to Council on their own behalf or on behalf of companies or organizations are called “delegations to Council.” Requests to appear before Council are to be in writing, and submitted to the Council Administrator at least one week prior to the meeting at which you want to appear.  The request should include the subject matter to be discussed, along with any background information that would be of assistance to Council.  Delegations are allowed ten minutes to address Council.