Vision, Mission & Values

Hay River is looking towards the future of the town and its region. When doing so, it is important that council members agree on what the final destination looks like. With this in mind, council first decides on the town’s ideal long-term future (vision) and the general direction it will take to achieve that future (mission).

When reviewing the existing versions of the vision and mission, council made some alterations to ensure that they reflect the town’s desired future.

Vision Statement

Hay River is a culturally diverse hub that celebrates its history, social and recreational well-being, and its opportunities for growth.

A community’s vision provides a long-term picture of where or what the community wishes to be or become and gives purpose and direction to the activities of Hay River’s Council and administration. The vision also indicates what makes Hay River unique.

Mission Statement

Through our community volunteers, our diverse businesses, and our beautiful environment, we strive to be the best community in the Northwest Territories.

A town’s mission answers a question about what business the community is in. It lets Council, citizens, and other stakeholders know what Hay River does and who benefits from Council’s activities. This mission statement was created based on key ideas about how to achieve the town’s vision.


The values expressed here are the guiding principles that help determine how the town will operate, both in public and privately.

As a town, we value:

Creativity – We adapt with an evolving community and work to find innovative solutions to best suit the Town of Hay River.

Diversity – We are a welcoming, warm, and inclusive community, celebrating all who choose to live her.

Growth – As people and as a town, we seek to learn, to improve, and to build our collective abilities.

Integrity – We do what we say we will do.

Partnership –We partner with other people and organizations to lead to our mutual success.

Sustainability –We deliver excellent services to our residents, while keeping a clear focus on the long-term costs and impacts of the services we offer.