Industry Profile
The Hub of the North
Hay River is strategically located at the intersection of major transportation routes. It is situated on the Mackenzie Highway and at the north end of the CN Northern Railway Line from Edmonton. It is also the jump off for all water-based shipping routes north along the Mackenzie River and into the Arctic Islands. Hay River truly is The Hub of the North!
Mackenzie Highway north from Edmonton (all-weather paved surface to Hay River); Highway Enterprise to Fort Simpson (chipseal to Fort Providence junction, then gravel to Fort Simpson); Highway #3 to Yellowknife ; Highway #6 to Ft. Smith (chipseal).
Hay River is the northernmost railhead in Canada and is located on the RailLink route connected to Edmonton and other southern lines.
Air Routes
First Air (Canadian North) and Northwestern Air Lease and Air Tindi offer daily connecting flights to and from Hay River.
Several companies offer complete service options to points north and south.
Air Charter
Buffalo Airways and Landa Aviation offer fixed-wing charter services. Denendeh Helicopters and Remote Helicopters provide rotary-wing charter services.
Several businesses offer ground and air courier service in Hay River; Buffalo Courier and Wesclean Ltd
A viable commercial fishery on Great Slave Lake harvests whitefish, lake trout, northern pike, walleye and inconnu. The Great Slave Lake Fishery produces some of the healthiest fish in the world.
Prior to the closure of the Pine Point Mine, Hay River was a significant supply point for operations. With the discovery of significant diamond, gold, and other mineral deposits north of Yellowknife, Hay River once again is poised to play a major role in the supply of goods and services to the diamond and other mining industries. Osisko Metals Inc. is currently explring the possibility of re-opening the zinc/lead mine.
Market Gardening
There is growing interest and awareness in Community Gardens and self-sustaining home industries in Hay River. From mid-June to mid-September, many different foodstuffs and wares are available on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Fisherman’s Wharf.
For more information regarding local industry, contact the Town of Hay River or call (867)874-6522.
- The Hub – Hay River weekly community newspaper. (867) 874-6577
- News/North – (Yellowknife) weekly northern newspaper.
- CJCD 100.1 FM – True North -Yellowknife
- CKLB 101.9 FM – Yellowknife
- CKHR 107.3 FM – Hay River
- CBC 93.7 FM – national and northern
- Cabin Radio – Yellowknife (available online only)
Telephone Service
Service currently provided by Northwestel Communications. Local area cellular service through Bell Mobility.
Internet Service Providers
Northwestel Communications provides high speed Internet service in a variety of plans.