
Hay River to Sell Fraser Place Lots by Auction

January 9, 2025

The Town of Hay River, as part of its ongoing plan to increase the available housing inventory, is announcing a sealed bid auction for 11 fully serviced lots in the newly developed Fraser Place subdevelopment. Fraser Place is an urban infill development nestled along forested trails and within walking distance of downtown, schools, groceries and recreation facilities. Fraser Place can accommodate single family, multifamily, and accessory dwelling units in accordance with R1B zoning allowances detailed in the Town’s Zoning and Building Bylaw. Lots in the Fraser Place subdevelopment range from 6,631 to 9,149 square feet.

The initial sale of Fraser Place lots will be by sealed bid auction. Bidders must use the sealed bid form which they can find on the website ( or they can pick up a copy at Town Hall. Minimum bid prices are based on a Fall 2024 appraisal and vary by lot size, with the lowest minimum bid starting at $78,400. Bidding remains open until January 24, 2025 at Noon MST. Lots not sold at the auction will be made available for purchase on a first come, first serve basis scheduled for February 17th at 2pm.

Hay River is supporting builders of residential and multi-residential properties through the Land Sales Incentive Program and will soon be accepting applications through the Residential Development Grant Policy. These incentives and more information on housing development options in Hay River are detailed in the new Land Development Guide and the Town’s website at:

“We are pleased to continue efforts to give Hay River residents more housing options today with the Fraser Place announcement. This is one step amongst many identified in the Hay River Community Housing Strategy aimed at providing safe, affordable, and diverse housing options in Hay River.”

Year End Message from Mayor Jameson

December 31, 2024

Dear Residents,

As we bid farewell to 2024, I am filled with gratitude and pride for what we have accomplished together this year. It has been a year of growth, progress, and community spirit, and I am excited to share some of the highlights of our journey.

Reflecting on 2024: A Year of Achievements

  1. Infrastructure Improvements: The Town completed several major infrastructure projects, including road base and asphalt paving of Industrial Drive, underground and surface upgrades for Capital Drive, Riverview Drive, Caribou Crescent and Beaver Crescent. The Fraser Place housing subdevelopment was completed in preparation for housing lot sales. A preliminary design was completed for a new Water Treatment Plant to serve Hay River and the surrounding region.  GNWT supported projects included the opening of the new Fish Processing Plant and dredging of the Hay River to enhance commercial waterways. 
  2. Environmental Initiatives: This year, we completed a design for a district biomass heating system to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and operating costs for core Town facilities. The Town’s first fully electric vehicle was introduced as a pilot project for the Protective Services Department. Phase 1 of the West Channel Berm enhancement was completed to protect the area from erosion and future flood events.
  3. Social and Recreational Health: Hay River was crowned by ParticipACTION as Canada’s Most Active Community and was awarded $100,000 to support a retrofit of a multiuse outdoor recreation space. The Healthy Communities Strategy was developed and approved to guide local health-related initiatives over the next decade. To build upon Hay River’s natural recreation assets, Town Council approved the 2024 Trail and Greenspace Master Plan.    Bob McMeekin Park enhancements were completed which include a new Welcome Sign, an amphitheater, and sliding hill.  Hay River hosted several engaging community events including the Community Spirit Awards, NWT Track and Field Championships, Hay Days, and Lobster Fest. 

Looking Ahead to 2025: Building on Momentum

As we step into 2025, I am eager to continue the momentum we have built. Here’s what you can expect in the coming year:

  1. Housing and Development:

Phase 1 sales of Fraser Place lots will commence in early 2025.   Rollout of the Residential Housing Development Grant program offering financial support for multifamily housing development will accept calls for applications.   Updates to flood probability mapping will be completed and the results incorporated into updated development standards.  The Town will introduce design standards for Accessory Dwelling Units construction on residential lots.  The Town and the GNWT are expected to execute a land development agreement for a new Long Term Health Care Facility which will serve as an anchor tenant for Phase 1 of the Sundog mixed commercial and residential subdevelopment.

  1. Public Safety Initiatives:

A design for a new solid waste facility is planned to replace the end of life facility.  The first phase of the Three Stream Curbside Waste Reduction project is to be launched aiming to increase recycling, reduce landfill waste, and promote sustainable waste management practices.

Flood mitigation projects will include Phase 2 completion of berm enhancements for the West Channel Berm, design and procurement for flood mitigation enhancements along Airport Road, and mitigation for Lift Station 1 located within the Riverview Ravine.

The Town also seeks to develop a Climate Adaptation Plan to further guide the development of a safe community with resilient infrastructure.  An update to the Town’s Community Wildfire Protection Plan will be updated in consideration of the effects of the 2023 wildfire events.

  1. Creating Healthy Lifestyles:

The Town will complete construction on a new multiuse Vale Island Recreation Area to support access to recreation for old town residents.  The space will include an outdoor rink, playground equipment, greenspace, parking and multisport pad.     Phase 1 of Inukshuk Park retrofits will be completed to update the Ray Benoit rink.   Multiple dog parks will be established in the community for socialization benefits.  Expansion of the popular Porritt Landing Marina will allow for more boat mooring capacity providing residents and visitors with easy access to Hay River’s waterways.

  1. Economic Growth:

The preparation of a local economic development plan will guide future growth within the community.   Support will be provided to Pine Point mine in accordance with an established MOU through their feasibility study phase.  Agriculture sector investments will be undertaken through the cleanup, land planning and development of the old NFTI land area.  Upgrades to the Hay River Golf Course will be completed to support destination tourism.  Planning for the expansion of the industrial area near Dean Drive will be completed to increase a depleted inventory.  Replacement of Lift Station 3 is scheduled as a prerequisite for sanitary system replacements in 553 and to support eventual housing development for the Aspen Heights subdevelopment.

  1. Partnerships

The Town will be drafting Mutual Aid Agreements with neighbouring communities to improve regional resources tied to emergency response.    In accordance with the Hay River Healthy Community Strategy the Town seeks to work in partnership to execute Calls to Action identified by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.    Support will be offered to many community groups including the reestablished Hay River Beautification Committee, the Rotary Club, Hay River Library, and the Northern Arts and Cultural Centre.  The Town will partner with local indigenous governments on community events and projects of mutual interest.


Gratitude and Hope

None of these achievements would be possible without your support, ideas, and active participation. Whether you attended a town hall meeting, volunteered for a community project, or shared feedback with us, you have played a vital role in shaping Hay River’s future.

As we move forward, I encourage you to stay involved and stay inspired. Together, we can make 2025 even more remarkable than the year we are leaving behind.

Wishing you a joyful and prosperous New Year,

Kandis Jameson
Mayor of Hay River


November 15, 2024


Today, the Town of Hay River and the City of Yellowknife registered as interveners in the Northwest Territories Power Corporation (NTPC) General Rate Application (GRA) with the Public Utilities Board (PUB) for an overall power rate increase of 24.8%. Both communities will participate in the proceedings to ensure that rates remain as low as possible.
As residents are aware, NTPC is the primary generator of electricity in the NWT and also the primary operator of electricity transmission infrastructure and services throughout the territory. Pricing is determined by the PUB.
Residents in the north already experience a high cost of living. NTPC’s proposed increase to power rates will significantly contribute to the economic challenges that many residents and businesses are currently facing.
“In the current reality of rising costs, ensuring the delivery of reliable and sustainable power to residents and businesses at the lowest possible rate is of utmost importance,” says Mayor Rebecca Alty.
“The Town of Hay River continues to honour its commitment to ensuring the most cost effective, reliable, and safe electrical services are being provided to its residents and businesses.” – Mayor Kandis Jameson

Pine Point Mining Limited and the Town of Hay River Sign MOU

November 5, 2024

(Montreal, November 5, 2024) Osisko Metals Incorporated (the “Company” or “Osisko Metals”) (TSX-V: OM; OTCQX: OMZNF; FRANKFURT: 0B51) is pleased to announce that Pine Point Mining Limited (PPML) and the Town of Hay River have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) stating their intentions to work together to seize opportunities for long term sustainable growth for Hay River through the development and operations of Pine Point Mining Project (Project).

“Pine Point Mining Ltd. is committed to fostering positive and constructive relationships with communities with the aim of facilitating a positive impact from our mine development project and potential future mining operations for long-term sustainable growth for all communities impacted by our Project,” said Jeff Hussey, CEO, PPML.

“The Pine Point mine presents an exciting opportunity to significantly benefit residents and businesses of Hay River,” said Her Worship Kandis Jameson, Mayor, Town of Hay River. “Our Town Council looks forward to working closely with Pine Point Mining Ltd. to maximize the economic potential of the project while thoughtfully considering all aspects of community impact.”

The MOU allows both parties to identify and discuss issues that advance the development of the Project and provide long-term beneficial opportunities to the Town of Hay River, its residents and businesses that will continue well past the life of the proposed Project.

Pine Point Mining Ltd. is a joint venture between Osisko Metals Incorporated and Appian Natural Resources Fund III LP. (See note About Osisko Metals for further details.) The Town of Hay River is a municipal corporation established under the Cities, Towns and Villages Act (SNWT 2003, c.22).

PPML town halls

PPML have begun to host a series of town halls to engage with local communities. Pine Point’s CEO Jeff Hussey and Sustainability Manager Veronica Chisholm, as well as other PPML representatives, will present on key aspects of the project: mining, processing, tailings, water management, as well as environmental studies completed and underway. They will also answer questions, and ask for feedback on progress so far.

The following dates and time are confirmed:

Hay River

Hay River Recreation Centre

November 5: 6 to 10 p.m.


Tree of Peace Friendship Centre

November 25: 6 to 10 p.m.

Planning is ongoing to meet with all local communities, and additional dates will be announced as they are finalized.

About Osisko Metals

Osisko Metals Incorporated is a Canadian exploration and development company creating value in the critical metals space, more specifically copper and zinc. The Company is in a joint venture with Appian Capital Advisory LLP for the advancement of one of Canada’s premier past-producing zinc mining camps, the Pine Point Project, located in the Northwest Territories, for which current mineral resources have been calculated for the 2024 MRE (as defined herein). The Project is held under the joint venture company Pine Point Mining Limited.

The Pine Point Project has a mineral resource estimate consist of 49.5Mt grading 5.52% ZnEq of Indicated Mineral Resources and 8.3Mt grading 5.64% ZnEq of Inferred Mineral Resources (in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects). The report’s title is Pine Point Zinc-Lead Project Mineral Resource Estimate Update, Hay River, Northwest Territories, Canada. Prepared for Osisko Metals Incorporated and Pine Point Mining Limited, it is effective May 31, 2024. The report’s authors are Pierre-Luc Richard, P. Geo. (PLR Resources Inc.), Colin Hardie, P. Eng. (BBA Inc.), as well as Carl Michaud, P. Eng., and Alexandre Dorval, P. Eng., both of G Mining Services Inc. The Pine Point Project is located on the south shore of Great Slave Lake in the Northwest Territories, near infrastructure, with paved highway access, an electrical substation, and 100 kilometres of viable haulage roads.

In addition, and outside of the Pine Point JV, the Company acquired in July 2023, from Glencore Canada Corporation, a 100% interest in the past-producing Gaspé Copper Mine, located near Murdochville in the Gaspé peninsula of Québec. The Company is currently focused on resource evaluation of the Copper Mountain Expansion Project that hosts a current mineral resource consisting of an Indicated Mineral Resource of 495Mt grading 0.37% CuEq  and an Inferred Mineral Resource of 6.3Mt grading 0.37% CuEq (in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects); see May 6, 2024 news release of Osisko Metals entitled “Osisko Metals announces updated mineral resource estimate at Gaspé Copper – indicated resource of 495 mt grading 0.37% copper equivalent”). Gaspé Copper hosts the largest undeveloped copper resource in Eastern North America, strategically located near existing infrastructure in the mining-friendly province of Québec.

About Appian

Appian Capital Advisory LLP is a London-headquartered investment advisor to long-term value-focused private capital funds that invest solely in mining and mining-related companies.

Appian is a leading investment advisor in the metals and mining industry, with global experience across South America, North America, Europe, Australia and Africa and a successful track record of supporting companies to achieve their development targets, with a global operating portfolio overseeing nearly 6,300 employees. Appian has a global team of 65 experienced professionals with presences in London, Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, New York, Lima, Belo Horizonte, Perth, Mexico City and Dubai. The Appian team, through its private capital funds, has a long history of successfully bringing mines through development and into production, having completed nine mine builds in the last six years.

For more information, please visit, or find Appianm on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter.


Follow PPML on, on LinkedIn at, and on Facebook at

For further information, visit or contact:

Robert Wares, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Osisko Metals Incorporated


Phone: 514-861-4441

Follow Osisko Metals on Facebook at,
on LinkedIn at, and on X at


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information

This news release contains “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation based on expectations, estimates and projections as at the date of this news release. Any statement that involves predictions, expectations, interpretations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions, future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and constitute forward-looking information. This news release may contain forward-looking information pertaining to the Pine Point and Gaspé Copper Projects, including, among other things, the results of the 2022 PEA on Pine Point and the IRR, NPV and estimated costs, production, production rate and mine life; the ability to identify additional resources and reserves (if any) and exploit such resources and reserves on an economic basis; the expected high quality of the metal concentrates; the potential economic impact of the projects on local communities, including but not limited to the potential generation of tax revenues and contribution of jobs; the timing and ability for Projects to reach construction decision (if at all); the estimated costs to take the Projects to construction decision (if at all) and the impact to the Company of the disposition of ownership interest and control in the Pine Point Project, which is a material property of the Company; Gaspé Copper hosting the largest undeveloped copper resource in Eastern North America and Glencore becoming a Control Person of the Company.


Forward-looking information is not a guarantee of future performance and is based upon a number of estimates and assumptions of management, in light of management’s experience and perception of trends, current conditions and expected developments, as well as other factors that management believes to be relevant and reasonable in the circumstances, including, without limitation, assumptions about: favourable equity and debt capital markets; the ability and timing for the Pine Point joint-venture parties to fund cash calls to advance the development of the Pine Point Project and pursue planned exploration and development; future spot prices of copper, zinc, lead and molybdenum; the timing and results of exploration and drilling programs; the accuracy of mineral resource estimates; production costs; political and regulatory stability; the receipt of governmental and third party approvals; licenses and permits being received on favourable terms; sustained labour stability; stability in financial and capital markets; availability of mining equipment and positive relations with local communities and groups. Forward-looking information involves risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events, results, performance, prospects and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information are set out in the Company’s public disclosure record on SEDAR ( under Osisko Metals’ issuer profile. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information, which only applies as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward- looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.


Neither the Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein.

Hay River Mayor Kandis Jameson and Pine Point Mining Ltd CEO Jeff Hussey

Truth and Reconciliation – 2024

September 27, 2024

Dear Community Members,

On Monday, we observe National Truth and Reconciliation Day by recognizing injustices faced by Indigenous peoples, and solidifying commitments to healing and strengthening our community.

As we strive to build a more inclusive community, I was pleased to announce Town Council’s adoption of the Healthy Community Strategy this week.   The Strategy outlines goals and initiatives linked to 21 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action. These initiatives are a commitment to acknowledging our shared history, addressing the injustices, and fostering a healthy path forward.

Collectively, and through the commitment of government and the governance of the interagency Healthy Communities Committee, we will:

  1. Strengthen Relationships: We will identify shared priorities between local Indigenous governments and the Town of Hay River by increasing our leadership’s communication and outreach.
  2. Create Education and Awareness: We will implement programs that focus on Indigenous history, culture, and perspectives, ensuring that all community members have the opportunity to learn and grow.
  3. Strengthen Partnerships: We will work closely with Indigenous leaders and organizations to develop initiatives that promote cultural exchange and support Indigenous communities.
  4. Execute Actionable Steps: We will execute specific actions to address historical grievances, including support for land recognition, cultural preservation, and social justice initiatives.

We invite all community members to participate in this journey toward reconciliation. Together, let us commit to creating a community where truth and understanding prevail, paving the way for lasting change.

Thank you for your dedication to building a brighter future for all.

Sincerely, Kandis Jameson
Mayor, Town of Hay River

Hay River To Release $2M in Residential Building Grants

September 25, 2024

September 25, 2024
For Immediate Release
Town of Hay River Introduces $2 million to Accelerate Residential Housing Growth

Hay River, NT – The Town of Hay River is excited to announce the approval of its new Residential Development Grants Program, aimed at encouraging the construction of additional residential units within the community. This initiative will contribute $2 Million in financial incentives to eligible property owners and developers through unit-based grants for new multiunit residential projects.
The Residential Development Grants are designed to stimulate housing growth by offering contributions for the creation of multi-family dwellings, accessory dwelling units, and retrofits of buildings resulting in incremental multi-family dwellings. The program supports the Town’s Strategic Housing Plan by increasing the availability of affordable, diverse housing options while promoting sustainable development.

Key Features of the Program Include:
• Funding Amounts: Grants of up to $35,000 for new multi-family residential units and $20,000 for accessory dwelling units.
• Eligibility Criteria: Property owners and developers in good standing with the Town can apply, provided their projects meet specified requirements.
• Timely Approvals: Applications will be reviewed promptly, with funding provided upon meeting key milestones in the construction process.
“We recognize the urgent need for more housing options in our community, and these grants are a vital step towards addressing that need,” said Mayor Jameson of the Town of Hay River. “By providing financial support, we aim to encourage developers to invest in our community and enhance the quality of life for all residents.”

Applications for the Residential Development Grants will be available at a date to be announced in October 2024. The first step in the phased approach is a call for applications for multi family residential housing developments which will be issued in October.

For more information about the Residential Development Grants Program, please contact our Housing Coordinator at or visit

About the Town of Hay River:
The Town of Hay River is committed to fostering a vibrant community by enhancing economic development, supporting local initiatives, and improving the quality of life for its residents.

2023 Tax Arrears List

July 16, 2024

Pursuant to Section 97.4(1) of the Property Assessment and Taxation Act, R.S.N.W.T. 1988, c. P-10 and amendments thereto, the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Hay River advises that the following properties are in arrears. These properties may be offered for public auction if the arrears of property taxes and the current and subsequent expenses incurred by the Town to collect the arrears are not paid on or before December 31, 2024.

To view the list go to:

Recreation Master Plan : Have your Say

May 8, 2024
The Town of Hay River is developing a new Recreation Facilities and Greenspace Masterplan. To provide your input, please go to: or scan the QR code in the image. Have Your Say!

Town of Hay River Receives 2M in CMHC Funding

April 26, 2024

For Immediate Release
April 26, 2024

CMHC News Release
The Council of the Town of Hay River, NT is pleased to announce that it has received a $2 million grant from the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation for the Housing Accelerator Program. The funds are for a 3-year term with a Housing Supply Growth Target of 30 permitted housing units over that period of time.
The initiatives supporting the efforts to achieve that goal are to:
• Create a development system that supports Additional Dwelling Units,
• Incentivize the development of underused/idle lands, with an emphasis on the development of multi-unit residential,
• Amend bylaws and policies to support development of residential units in the downtown core, with emphasis on multi-unit development,
• Incorporate update floodplain mapping,
• Amend zoning bylaw and policies to promote the development of transitional housing units for vulnerable populations,
• Reduce the carbon footprint of new unit construction, with a preference for multi-unit development,
• Development of a disincentive program to ensure that no vacant units or underdeveloped/idle lands remain within the municipal boundaries,
• Streamline the development process by delegating authorities to staff and exploring technology to support the process,
• Develop an incentive program to encourage infill and increased density in existing residential areas.
“The Council of the Town of Hay River is happy to receive support through the Housing Accelerator Fund to continue its efforts to increase the stock of safe, diverse, efficient, and affordable housing in Hay River. This is an important next step to advance key housing initiatives identified in our Community Strategic Housing Plan.”
Mayor Kandis Jameson
More information about incentive opportunities will be released in the coming months. Developers can reach out to Glenn Smith, SAO at for any inquiries.
For further information, contact:
Glenn Smith
Senior Administrative Officer
Town of Hay River
(867) 874-6522


April 22, 2024