Taxi License
In order to operate a taxi in the Town of Hay River you must apply for a taxi permit in accordance with By-law No. 2165/REG/09 “Taxi License By-Law”. The fee for this permit is $25.00 and you must provide us with a copy of your criminal records check and driver’s abstract. Once this process is complete our bylaw officer will review the application.
- No person shall operate a Taxi without a valid Taxi Permit issued under this By-Law.
- No person shall be issued a Taxi Permit unless the person:
a) has attained the full age of eighteen (18) years;
b) has a valid Driver’s License, or has an equivalent valid driver’s license from another Canadian province or territory; in which case the person must provide satisfactory proof to the Senior Administrative Office within ninety (90) days of the date of the application for the Taxi Permit of having a valid Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 Northwest Territories driver’s license.;
c) has completed an application and statutory declaration as set out in Form “D”;
e) has provided a current, certified true copy of his/her Driver’s License Abstract
g) has received a Record Check Consent (Form D1) from the local Royal Canadian Mounted Police Detachment that the person meets the requirements set out in Section 15 of this By-Law.
- No Taxi Permit or renewal thereof shall be issued to any person who:
1) has been convicted under the Criminal Code of Canada