Animal Control
In accordance with Town of Hay River Animal Control Bylaw 1957 this division deals with issues such as:
- Dogs off leash
- Barking dogs
- Biting dogs
- Prohibited animals
How do I purchase a dog license?
The Town of Hay River requires dog owners to register their dogs.
11. No person shall own, possess or harbor a dog over the age of six months unless such dog is licensed pursuant to the provisions of this bylaw except in the following circumstances:
a. A service dog employed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
There are two types of dog licenses available:
Permanent license:
A permanent dog license is a lifetime tag that is FREE. However, you need to bring in a vet bill that proves your dog is spayed or neutered.
Temporary license:
A temporary dog license is good for only one year and must be renewed every year. This tag costs $25.00.
If your dog loses their tag a new tag can be purchased for $2.00.